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2014/09/09 來源:http://www.tw312.cn 編輯:m_e6f5e5
About ASI
Advertising Specialty Institute – or ASI – is the largest media and marketing organization serving the advertising specialty industry. But what, exactly, does ASI do?
To understand that, as well as ASI's mission, you should know a little bit about promotional products and the major participants involved in the industry.
Promotional products are practical, entertaining, or decorative products imprinted with an advertiser's name, logo, slogan, or message and given away. Think of all those freebies like mugs and T-shirts you get at trade shows. These products are kept by recipients, offering great exposure for the advertiser's message.
The two major players in the advertising specialty industry are suppliers (importers, manufacturers) and distributors (sellers). Supplier firms use ASI print and electronic resources to market products to distributor salespeople, while distributor firms use ASI print and electronic resources to locate supplier firms and to market services to end-buyers (promotions and advertising buyers).
ASI's mission, then, is to bring together these participants by providing catalogs, information directories, newsletters, magazines, Web sites and databases, and offering interactive e-commerce, marketing and selling tools.
End-buyers who work closely with the industry often buy only from ASI distributors, as they know that generally those holding an ASI number are reputable in their dealings and have access to the most products and suppliers.
ASI History
In 1950, a grad student, named Joe Segel, was working his way through school selling promotional products. At the time, the industry had no central resource for finding products and the suppliers who made them. Segel researched and published his own directory, calling it the Advertising Specialty Register?. ("Ad specialty" is another term for promotional product.) He named his company the Advertising Specialty Institute.
Segel sold ASI in 1964 to Maurice Cohn, at the time the owner of the largest advertising specialty supplier. While Segel went on to found other companies, like the Franklin Mint and QVC, Cohn sold his supplier interests and dedicated himself to improving and expanding ASI. The Cohn family, now headed by Maurice's son, Norman, still owns the company, which has grown to 450 employees. For over 50 years, ASI has continuously led the industry in research, publications and developing marketing tools.
How big an industry is this?
The the Advertising Specialty Institute's exclusive annual industry sales estimate for 2011 shows that promotional products sales were $18.5 billion, up 6.2% versus 2010.
American Certification Institute—ACI
美國認證協會(American Certification Institute)是由美國哈佛大學、德州大學、耶魯大學、加州大學、杜克大學、森坦那瑞商學院等美國數十個著名院校的專家教授共同組成的學術認證委員會,在全球范圍內從事國際職業資格認證的專業機構,長期致力于專家級高水平認證、考試服務,得到美國政府的合法注冊,所有課程均獲得了美國教育部的認可,總部設在美國加利福尼亞州,在全球各地教育培訓中心的教學活動均符合美國聯邦政府教育部和各州法律規定的要求。
大多數的小型或成長中的企都是從一般的股份有限公司(C 股份有限公司)開始的 。下列有五種基本的企業類型。
2)、股份有限公司 (C型 股份有限公司)
許多在美國運營的非美國公司最常選擇有限公司(corporation),其原因是這類公司比較容易加入新的投資者,並且將來有可能使公司上市。因此,有限公司是一種常見的公司類型。另一個常見的公司類型是有限責任公司(limited liability company, LLC)。 美國稅法規定,非美國居民不能是S型有限公司的股東,因此非美國居民不能選擇S型公司。
1.工廠的公司名稱和地址 Manufacturer name and address
2.賣方的公司名稱和地址 Seller name and address
3.買方的公司名稱和地址 Buyer name and address
4.貨物送達的公司名稱和地址 Ship to name and address
5.進口商的海關登記號 Importer of record number
6.收貨人的美國保稅號碼 Consignee number
7.所有貨品的原產地 Country of origin of the goods
8.海關關稅編號(六碼) Harmonized Tariff Schedule No. 6 digit
9.貨柜的裝柜地址 Container stuffing location
10.拼箱的公司名稱和地址 Consolidator name and address